Sunday, March 29, 2009

06-20-09 Summer Solstice With St.Germain

06-20-09 Summer Solstice with St.Germain

It is time to be still and listen. The earth is changing and shifting constantly. It is now the norm not the exception, it began last year on the eve of this day, when the ethers shook.

As the cosmos transitions so goes Gaia and humankind, all in perfect unison. As Gaia makes its changes all the cosmos watches-humanity unaware of its magnificence.

Again I say to you, be still and listen. You are in the biggest transformation of this lifetime. Three months from now you will not recognize who you are. You will know who you are, your wisdom shall arrive.

The grid removal is only one portion or piece of the puzzle you will carry. Others will begin to walk out of the box and into the NOW as well. Many are ready they just don't know how to get there.

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