Saturday, March 21, 2009

Montauk Revisited - Ch.2

Montauk Chronicle

At 5:30AM on October 31, 1990, I awoke suddenly and found myself looking out the window at what first appeared to be a shooting star. Instead of moving across the sky or in a downward motion, it shot up vertically. I quickly wondered if this was a UFO as meteorites do not move in such a fashion. Fifteen seconds later, a second “star” followed the exact path. There were no others. I had never seen any sort of UFO prior to this encounter.

One week later, on November 7th, I was to meet Preston Nichols. I have since been told that this sort of experience is not unusual to people who encounter him.

I met Preston as a result of a business opportunity I was interested in at the time. Without elaboration on these circumstances, I was interested in a device that he had invented. This is now known as the Biofiss and is a stereo system that is designed to balance the electromagnetic fields surround the body.

Two of my friends told me that I could meet Preston at the Psychotronics meeting. I showed up and met Preston briefly but soon found I would have to hear a lecture on “Earth Changes”. This was a panel discussion by five different people. Both Preston and Duncan Cameron were on the panel. I sat in the audience that evening with another gentleman I would come to know: Al Bielek.

Preston spoke about
orgone energy and how electromagnetic factors can affect the environment. Duncan gave first-hand accounts of psychically monitoring different functions of the Earth. This was done for the US Government. His role in the Philadelphia Experiment was also discussed.

I was surprised that these two speakers would say anything at all. I was aware the Government had done strange research projects, but these are things you just don’t speak about. I asked them about this and Preston explained that the Government was losing control. He said they have learned over time that they can’t just kill people anymore. In the past, silencing people has had a tendency to create a martyr syndrome. He pointed out the legacy of Morris K. Jessup, the man who first publicized the Philadelphia Experiment. Jessup was found dead in his car in what was sure to be a mock suicide. In many respects, his death ensured that the Philadelphia Experiment would never be forgotten.

After listening to Preston, it was obvious that the intelligence community wasn’t what it used to be. Besides, Preston said that his story had been widely circulated to the point that even if he were to die of natural causes, people would suspect a hit.

As the evening continued, the Philadelphia Experiment was discussed as were many alien and UFO scenarios. All of this was new to me. I had once heard the story of the USS Eldgridge disappearing and reappearing off the Virginia coast, but I dismissed it as nonsense. I’d never read about it. Now, I was hearing about if from people (Al and Duncan) who claimed actual involvement in the project. Their story, along with Preston’s, gave the whole subject much more credibility.

The evening was quite electrically charged. Questions and answers were being fired across the room like laser darts. A lot of the information went completely over my head. It was too much to absorb. Many times during the course of the evening, the events at the Montauk Air Force Base were discussed. I asked if there was a book I could read but none existed.

Later I was told that if I wanted to see Preston’s Biofiss machine, I could make an appointment with the treasurer of the Long Island Psychotronics chapter who I will refer to as Jewel. Having met her briefly, I spoke to her on the phone a few days later and found that she was leaving the organization and wanted nothing to do with it. Preston was apparently the devil and all she would say about Duncan was that he was damaged. I was given Preston’s phone number and soon found myself as an observer in a goofy soap opera.

By coincidence, I ran into Jewel the following Sunday. We had common friends, and they were going to brunch. I found out later that Jewel fell flat on her face that day and had to be taken home. She was incapacitated for several days.

Preston didn’t know what she was reacting to and drove all the way to her house in an attempt to console her. This didn’t work. Duncan later did an extremely elaborate reading which indicated she was working undercover for another Psychotronics group. I didn’t know if any of this was true, but I quickly discovered that Psychotronics was neither boring no lacking in entertainment.

When I visited Preston’s lab, myself and a few others were given a demonstration of the various pieces of equipment. I found the Biofiss to be interesting and therapeutic. It was very relaxing and perked up my mental awareness for a period of twenty-four hours afterwards.

During the evening, one gentleman had become excited about the idea of a book and movie for The Montauk Project. He asked Preston about it and was told that he could talk about it at a later date. By the end of the evening, as we walked to our cars, this gentleman did a total about face. He became afraid of the entire affair and said that he wanted to have nothing to do with it. He told me that I could write it if I wanted. Seeing him later, he was totally unwilling even to discuss the subject. His girl friend told me that she believes he was involved in the Philadelphia Experiment as he gets uneasy and clams up whenever it is mentioned.

For some reason, this subject has a way of frightening the living daylights out of those who get close to it. I also found that some people were very concerned form me when I began to write the story. Others couldn’t understand why I would give any credence at all to such sinister energy as the Montauk project. I wasn’t quite sure exactly what any of these people were talking about, but it was clear they were afraid of the energies and phenomena that Preston and Duncan dealt with on a daily basis.

I am skeptical by nature, and I didn’t even know if any of the information I’d been told was true. I took it all with a grain of salt but found it high adventure and good entertainment at the very least. If the story was not true, I thought that it was better science fiction than I’d ever read.

After observing Preston’s equipment and what had been left over from Montauk, it became apparent to me that the Montauk Air Force Base had served as some sort of implant station. As I explained in the introduction, I had extensively studied L. Ron Hubbard’s theories on implants, some of it under his supervision. An entire book could be written about him so I have included some further information in the appendix for those who are interested.

One of his most controversial books is a title called A History of Man. In this book, Hubbard discusses how electronics can be used to make an entire slave society. He does not go into technical detail on the electronics but gives several samples on how beings can be snared and implanted with electronic techniques.

Whenever Hubbard was attacked, it was routine for his adversaries to quote from this book in order to show that he was “crazy”. It was and is simply too far out for mainstream reporters to take seriously.

I also found the information to be extremely bizarre, but I also found that it had remarkable workability if applied under the precise procedures that were outlined.
Even though I found the information useful in getting rid of psychosomatic ills (for myself and others), I could never figure out how he had discovered it. I was later told that he had acquired it from the Office of Naval Research when he was in the Navy as an intelligence officer. I don’t know if this is exactly true, but it seems to fit. More about Hubbard’s roots will be touched on a little later in the book.

Whatever the case, Hubbard was far ahead of his time in regards to implant research.
It is highly fashionable today and is seen on tabloid TV with regularity.

Discovering Preston and the Montauk Project had completed a circle for me in regards to electronics and Hubbard. It supported some of the latter’s research and answered many questions of a more subjective nature. At the very least, I was walking on familiar ground and fears that others might have were not my concern. I’d already investigated the area.

In January 1991, I attended a lecture on UFOs held by Bill Knell at a public library on Long Island. As he had been involved with the study of UFOs for some time, I waited until everyone had left and told him I might be doing a book with Preston. To my surprise, he had heard of Preston. He said that it was a great idea but that if I wanted to do a really good book, I should get Preston to tell me about ten of the other people who were involved with the Montauk Project. They could give a complete story.

A few months later, I worked out an agreement to do a book with Preston. He was surprised at what Bill had said and didn’t know who I was referring to. I know now that Preston is tight lipped when necessary on the subject. Most of these people (some I have since met) do not want to talk about the project or be associated with it. I also realized that it was far easier and less time consuming to simply write Preston’s version of what had happened. To do otherwise would take huge amounts of time and expense. Writing the first book has helped me with the expenses, but investigating and writing about the Montauk Project has almost become a full time activity.

My above experience with Preston leads directly to a major problem when dealing with a project of this nature: it is loaded with counter-intelligence propaganda. Anything you hear on the subject has to be regarded with suspicion. People will say something one day and then deny it the next. Of course, all this indicates tremendous secretes and that somebody is hiding something. On a grander scale, we can view this situation as one manifestation of a universe that has evolved into a lower state of consciousness.

Writing the book itself was easier than dealing with the various intelligence theories. I tape recorded what Preston had to say because much of it went over my head, particularly the technical parts. I listened and transcribed every word he said and played the tapes over until I could clearly see what he spoke of was entirely plausible. I began to dream about time travel and had experiences of a subjective nature which were quite spectacular.

Preston advised me to go out to the Montauk base with a psychic. He said it would be of interest to note what they pick up. He warned me not to go alone.

Although I know many psychics, I couldn’t find one who would go out there. Some were too busy and others wanted nothing to do with it. Finally, I secured Howard Metz to go with me. Howard is a retired policeman and is very knowledgeable about psychic phenomena. He is also a pyramidologist and is mentioned in Charles Bertlitz’s popular book on the Bermuda Triangle. We took the two and a half hour trip out to Montauk and left our I.D.s in the car.

As soon as one gets in the vicinity of the base, it is hard to miss the transmitter tower. It has a particularly haunting presence when you get up close, especially when the wind blows and makes subtle sounds. On a subjective basis, I found the transmitter to be quite repulsive as it elicited feelings of tragedy and horror. It seemed to stand for everything that is dire.

As we approached the base from the south end, I noticed a completely demolished building. It was the strangest demolition I had ever seen. It was not only burnt but it was in total shambles. It didn’t look like it had been simply blown up. Upon my return, I spoke to Preston and he told me that according to legend that was the house that Junior (the Beast) had destroyed. The legend is bizarre, but it certainly correlated with my observation of the place.

We walked around the base for a good while. I was looking for some sort of documentation or proof about the project. It was obvious the base had been active but nothing of a spectacular nature turned up. I did find some blue prints for a Sperry gyroscope. I had them in my hand when we were suddenly approached by a park ranger.
He was not friendly and looked immediately at the blueprints in my hand.

“What are those?” he snapped.

“They’re just blueprints,” I said.

He took them hurriedly and studied them for some time. He finally looked up and asked me if I wanted them. I said no but told him I’d throw them away. They were obviously of no value, but he seemed concerned that they might be. He also insisted that we leave the base.

As we headed out, I briefly stepped into the transmitter building to verify if the torch marks Preston spoke about were there. Sure enough, they were. They were not small torch marks either. The place looked utterly devastated. It appeared that something of a highly irregular nature had gone on there.

Before we returned, we stopped for an early dinner and encountered my next odd bit of synchronicity with Montauk. Our waiter was a young man named Mirko who was from the country which was then known as Yugoslavia. Although he’d not heard of the Montauk Project, he said that he knew the curator of the Tesla Museum in Belgrade and that he was planning to translate materials that had never been put into English. He has since been unable to complete his task because of the war in that region. I found this whole meeting rather odd as most people don’t even know about Tesla, let alone have an intimate understanding of his work. What wee the chances of my meeting such a person at Montauk?

A short while after my return from Montauk, I was at a gathering at Howard’s house.

There, I was approached by a man who I will refer to as Mr. X. He wanted to know how the book was coming along. I found his interest to be quite odd. He took me aside and told me in private that he had been involved in the negotiations to secure the Montauk Chair. Upon relaying this story to my wife, she told me that he must have been negotiating with aliens. I hadn’t thought about it, but her observation seemed to fit in with the story. He also mentioned that he had managed a very sizable portfolio for the Montauk group.

Mr. X wanted to tell me about his involvement, and we arranged a meeting at a diner in Amityville. There, he informed me that he had lots of contacts on both sides of the project. In other words, he had friends who wanted the information to get out.
There were others in the military industrial complex who didn’t want it discussed at all. He said that he was sort of in the middle and that the whole subject caused him considerable anxiety. He backed off on his plan to discuss the subject and said that things had gotten too hot for him to say anything.

He was clearly frightened on some level. At times, his conversation seemed calculated to scare me. I believe that he had some sort of “Montauk programs” operating during the conversation. Something was activating his speech and behavior that wasn’t himself. He’s actually quite a nice person and has a keen intellect.

The above behavior is symptomatic of what I call “the Montauk personality”. People who have been involved in the project have distinctly different personalities. This does not appear to be ordinary schizophrenia but would seem to be programming of some sort. The personality change seems to kick in only when the subject of UFOs, mind control or Montauk itself is brought up.

Mr. X then proceeded to explain various aspects of what he believed got Montauk started in the first place. That will be talked about later on. He was definitely a knowledgeable individual and was apparently a double agent on some level. I later did a minor background check on Mr. X and discovered that many aspects of his life pointed in the direction of a true experience connected with Montauk.

Meeting Mr. X was just one more incident that made the Montauk story more credible in my own mind. I have since been slowly acclimated to various others who claim involvement in the project. There are also others who won’t discuss or admit anything.

After my meeting with Mr. X, events became a little more serious. I was now having dreams of dark entities and Men in Black. It seemed someone was attempting to frighten me by amplified psychic means. It didn’t work. Threats of a psychic nature are just threats. If they wanted me to stop my work, they were going to have to try something in person. That way, I hoped, I could catch someone in the act and it would give proof to the story.

The next event of import occurred when speaking on the phone to a psychic healer I know. She was having dinner with another psychic. His name was Michael, and I had met him only briefly in the past. I told her to tell him about the book I was doing.

Michael called me up almost immediately. He said that she didn’t have to say anything and that he had picked up what was going on as soon as she had put down the phone. He said that there was a government agent who wanted to nail me. He gave a complete description and said that I should lay off the book for a couple years.

I was not about to lay off the book. Shortly thereafter, I was washing the car when a middle-age man pulled up and watched me for the longest time. I was aware of his presence in the car but didn’t know he was watching him from the house. He finally drove off.

After another week, when I was on vacation, a message was left on my phone at 3:00AM.
A woman’s voice said, “You know who I am. Stay out of it.”

I had no idea who it was. There was no possibility that it was a wrong number. They had called on my business phone and first had to hear an entire taped message referring to my business.

Up to this point, I hadn’t told Preston about any of these events. At our next meeting I told him that there were some people who didn’t want me to write this book.
He looked at me quizzically and said “What do you mean?”

I began to tell him the story of the “government agent”. I’d hardly said anything, but as soon as the term “government agent” came out of my mouth, he interrupted me.

He said, “That’s already been taken care of.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

Preston told me that Duncan had gotten a similar reading two weeks earlier that indicated a government agent was after me. He then called one of his friends at a highly placed government agency and told him to tell the CIA to lay off of me. If they didn’t, he would publish secret papers that they didn’t want published.

Up to now, I’d had reason to be afraid but hadn’t reacted. Preston’s comments shocked me because there was no way he could have made it up. He’d reacted immediately and couldn’t have concocted anything that fast. I also remembered that Duncan had approached me a week earlier and asked what would happen to the book if either Preston or myself suddenly died. I’d thought it was a hypothetical question. Now, I knew that Duncan was inquiring with regard to his own reading. He was also kind enough not to try and alarm me.

I was not so much shocked for my life. I was surprised that Duncan’s reading had correlated exactly with that of the other psychic. It brought home the point to me that this was not a joke and that the intelligence community took it very seriously.
Prior to that point, I had considered it a highly entertaining science fiction story that was somewhat true.

Preston had also told me about the secret papers previously. He had actually acquired them by happen-stance when he purchased some surplus electronic equipment. The Government had supposedly found out about it and asked him not to publish the information. He agreed for his own reasons at the time, but now it appeared that someone was trying to interfere with the publication of The Montauk Project. He was not about to let his book be suppressed.

Since this conversation with Preston, nothing of a threatening nature has occurred.
The strange dreams also stopped.

In addition to the above, there is another series of events which I think are noteworthy to add. These began as the first manuscript neared completion. I asked Preston to dig up all his photographs concerning the project. This required a bit of hounding as he is not the most organized person and always has plenty of other things to do.

One day, I went into his area and found his work place completely cleaned up. He pointed to the couch at a pile of photos and said to take a look. I was totally surprised to find a photo of the beast. He’d never told me he had a photo that good, and he was extremely casual about it. It wasn’t a big deal to him, but it was amazing to me. I’d heard a lot about the beast and heard about photos, but this one was pretty convincing.

I asked him several questions about it, but he didn’t have too many answers. The beast had not been there when the photo was taken. It was just bizarre phenomena. He couldn’t account for it. I, of course, wondered if it were some sort of prank. I asked him who took the photo, and he said it was done by Jan Brice. Preston then asked me if I would like to speak to him. I said yes, and Preston called him up and introduced me over the phone. We discussed the photograph, and it was apparent that Preston was not at all playing a hoax. In fact, Jan said that he had attempted a lot of supernatural photography over the years, but this was the only result he’d ever gotten. He wasn’t trying to capture the beast, he was trying to capture a picture of a bunker.

I spoke to Jan several times after that. He confided to me that he wasn’t sure the beast was what Preston thought it was. He just couldn’t account for the phenomena. He told me that he had worked as an astrophysicist and had worked out some of the early lunar trajectories before man had gone to the moon. He dropped out of the scientific community and joined a monastery for eleven years. Now, he was a writer and had just completed his first book, Secrets of Consciousness.

Jan said that he had mixed feelings about Preston. He told me a story of how Preston had called up one of his friends complaining about a bomb being in his lab. Preston claimed to have taken the bomb across the street, departing before it blew up. Jan’s friend visited Preston the next day but found no visible evidence. To this day, Preston is not sure what happened. He thought it could be time phenomena, but he definitely remembered the bomb.

Jan was quick to point out that in spite of this incident, he had seen Preston talk to people who had been involved in projects like Montauk and would know the strangest things about them. He’d help them pull their memories, and there was no doubting that Preston had special knowledge and uncanny ability. He also said Preston was amazingly brilliant.

For his help, we had decided to put Jan’s name in the acknowledgments, and we were going to give him special mention on the title page as a photographer. At the last minute, after I’d told him about my experience with Duncan and Michael picking up psychic warnings about me, he begged off. He didn’t want his name mentioned in the book at all.

I was amused at his fear because he was far less of a target than I was. He said he didn’t want his room ransacked by someone looking for photos or negatives. We left him out according to his wishes. He also told me that we’d see if I survived the first printing of The Montauk Project.

Jan died within a couple of months of that last conversation. Although he was connected to the United States Psychotronics Association, we have no evidence to suggest that he was rubbed out. A pervasive rumor was circulated that he’d died of food poisoning. According to Jan’s girl friend, the autopsy indicated a heart attack as the cause of death. She refuted the food poisoning rumor. If that is true, it raises minor suspicions. Inducing heart attack is a common trick. The Mafia used to have a reputation of lacing apple pies so as to induce cardiac arrest. Personally, I don’t understand what motivation anyone would have to kill him. The photographs he took are suggestive but are not conclusive proof of anything. The only other questions would be: did he know something else?

In any event, Jan was a great person and a dynamic speaker. We have chosen to dedicate this book to him.

- pages 27-40

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