Sunday, November 9, 2008

Excerpt - Time Compression

"The World Tree is the primary generator of shifts between Days and Nights. We may then realize that the frequency of such shifts increases twentyfold with every higher Underworld. Our experience of time is thus associated with a specific frequency at each level of consciousness of the cosmic pyramid. The speeds of the different means of communication (fig. 5.12), for instance, are simply manifestations of these frequencies. Each Underworld is thus dominated by a basic frequency for the evolution of consciousness, and these frequencies increase from the very lowest of 1/hablatun to the very highest of 1/uinal as the nine-story pyramid is climbed. This 25 billion-fold increase in the basic tones of creation affects the type of phenomena generated by the various Underworlds. Thus the invisible Cross may be seen as an instrument programmed to generate a cosmic symphony, where tones of higher and higher frequencies come into play in a present pattern. (A better metaphor than a symphony would be a conductor starting by cuing the drums, and then cuing one instrument after another to add to those that are already playing.)

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"This pyramidal structure of the frequencies of creation is behind the common experience that time is now going much faster - to a point where it sometimes seems to disappear. Every level, every terrace of the pyramid, corresponds to a certain frequency of change. With every higher level of the pyramid of cosmic creation, a twentyfold acceleration of spiritual time takes place. The more frequent the alterations between Days and Nights, the higher the frequency of change and the more rapidly human beings experience the passage of time. Thus, for instance, in the Galactic Underworld, as much change must happen in a tun (360 days) as happened in a katun (19.7 years) during the Planetary Underworld, or in a baktun (394 years) of the National Underworld."
"Today we should be aware of this origin of the acceleration of time. The so-called burnout phenomenon has increased dramatically in many countries where people are victimized by stress, seemingly because of the high pace of work around them. In reality burnout is a result of the many increasingly more pronounced conflicts between the consciousness generated by the materialistic Planetary Underworld and that being created by the newly emerging, more spiritual Galactic Underworld. As a result, the symptoms of burnout are also becoming more serious. The only true remedy is to align our lives with the cosmic evolution toward enlightenment and to focus our whole existence - thinking, acting, and uses of the Planetary Underworld, one way or another, must yield to those of the Galactic."
"Ultimately, the phenomenon of stress arises from the conflict in the individual between cosmic, divine time and physical time. Many have found that using an ordinary wristwatch is an impediment to going with the flow of time; without this device, synchronicities occur more easily. Divine time is the flow of the Galactic Underworld leading toward enlightenment according to the tun-based Mayan calendar, whereas physical, measured time is subordinated to physical processes. The watch is a mechanized tool for measuring time, and it subordinates us to a whole set of rules for life typical of the industrialized world of the Planetary Underworld. When the individual wants to go with the flow of divine time, while the watch - based on physical time - tells him or her to do otherwise, a stressful conflict arises.

“In principle, however, this conflict is not any different from that between, on the one hand, following the solar year, regardless of how it is sliced into months, and, on the other hand, following the Mayan calendar. The mechanical movements of the watch are directly linked to the mechanical movements of the astronomical cycles, and these likewise tend to subordinate human beings to the physical reality rather than creating a mind-set that supports them in going with the flow of divine time. the liberation of human beings from the negative effects of the frequency increase, such as stress, is a matter of entering  the natural, non-physical, divine flow of creation leading toward enlightenment. Today more than ever before, people are becoming aware of the stressful effects of subordinating their lives to physical time.

"Calendars based on physical time, such as the Gregorian, Muslim, or Jewish calendars, or common astrology for that matter, cannot explain the current acceleration of time and the increase of stress. The duration of the solar year has not changed much in the past million years. Only the hierarchical, tun-based Mayan calendar system, which is based on the oscillations of the World Tree rather than movements of material bodies, is able to explain the acceleration of time. With this cylindrical system the increasing pace of time becomes a logical consequence. 

“Ultimately, the increase in frequency carried by the only thirteen-tun-long Galactic Underworld is behind the current revival of the tzolkin and the Mayan calendar. Only as the changes between Days and Nights occur at a very high frequency do people on a larger scale become aware that there are spiritual cosmic factors behind the changing tides of human creativity. As these changes are now happening so frequently -every 360 days- it seems that many, at least on a subconscious level, are becoming aware of them. This increase in frequency will become progressively more evident as the Galactic Underworld becomes more dominating, and even more so as the Universal Underworld draws near. “ – pages 110-112

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