Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Beginning - Pt.05

And so he traveled rapidly towards Earth. It describes his saddened heart, not knowing what to expect and if he was going to make it alive. It describes his flight past all the planets as he approached and passed them from the outside in, marveling at their spectacle. It describes how he traveled past Saturn or “Anshar”, “…the foremost prince of the heavens…” with its “…bright rings of dazzling color (Saturn)…” Then Alalu traveled towards the giant “Kishar” or Jupiter, with its “Swirling storms obscured its face, colored spots they moved away about…” describing the giant red spot on Jupiter. 

It is incredible to witness these perfect descriptions in texts which are as much as 5800 years old, and included Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, yet our ‘modern’ civilization only rediscovered these outermost three planets in the past 200 years. But then suddenly Alalu was faced by the threatening asteroid belt. “The Hammered Bracelet ahead was reigning, to demolish it was awaiting… Of rock and boulders was it together hammered…” as he approached it, he recalled how the asteroids “… Nibiru’s probing chariots like preying lions they devoured.” But somehow Alalu made it through the belt by using “death-dealing missiles” to blast away through the belt. It would become a method of getting through the belt for others who would come after him. “Like a spell the Hammered Bracelet a doorway to the king it opened” and so Alalu was on his way past the “red-brown planet” of Mars before the “snow-hued Earth appeared, the seventh in the celestial count.” He describes the three regions of the Earth, white at the top and bottom and blue and brown in the middle. The planet had a thinner atmosphere than Nibiru and a lesser gravity; “…weaker than Nibiru was its attracting net.” He used some sort of scanning device to search for signs of gold as he was approaching from a distance. “The beam that penetrates downwards he directed, Earth’s innards to detect.” And there it was… the precious metal which was so desperately needed to save Nibiru’s disturbed atmosphere. “Gold, much gold, the beam has indicated…” Alalu proceeded to land rather ruggedly but “Then he opened his eyes and knew he was among the living. At the planet of gold he victoriously arrived.”

After stepping out with his “Eagle’s Helmet” he was amazed to find that the air was good to breath and the protecting “Fish’s suit” and helmet were not necessary. It may sound like a great adventure when told in this ‘romanticized’ fashion, but here was a brave individual alone on a new planet. That would scare the bravest of adventurers into thinking again. “No sound there was… Alone on an alien planet he stood…”

Alalu set himself up in the space ship to be able to survive the elements. Over the next few days he explored the planet but not without protection. “He picked up the carried weapon, he picked up the handy Sampler.” He describes the short days, the sweet smell of the trees, orchards of fruits, the marshes of green water, the dark-hued soil, and his search for drinking water. The salt water was not drinkable and filled with fish but finally he found fresh water in a “silent pond”, where he encountered a snake for the first time. He did no know what the creature was, and it must have been the first creature he encountered on Earth, which motivate the Anunnaki to use the symbol of a ‘snake’ in so many applications in years to come. He did not waste any time before searching for gold with his “tester”. He found an abundance of gold in the waters of the ocean and in the banks of the rivers. He urgently sent a message to Nibiru knowing that he had found the solution to its problems. “The Speaker-of-Words he stirred up… Then to Nibiru words he uttered… On another world I am, the gold of salvation I have found; The fate of Nibiru is in my hands…”

Anu and the residents of Nibiru were astounded to hear that Alalu was alive and especially intrigued by his claims about the gold. They were reminded by the oldest of their wise men, that Alalu had been taught about Tiamat with her precious abundance of water and gold. It was old news to him. “Of the watery monster Tiamat and her golden veins he knowledge acquired; if indeed beyond the Hammered Bracelet he had journeyed, on Earth, the seventh planet is his asylum.”

It caused lots of excitement and spurred them into action. This was the point at which the real decisions were taken to send a full expedition to Earth to verity the claims of gold and establish a base. “If Tiamat’s gold he indeed had found, proof of that is needed; is it for protecting our atmosphere sufficient?”

The Nibiruans had an incredible ability to turn adversity into stability, a notable trait which we are still trying to master. But the DNA which we inherited from the Anunnaki will hopefully allow us to achieve this state of mind. There are however encouraging signs of peacemaking which we as humans seem to be displaying in great abundance in the 20th and 21st centuries AD. The bloodless revolution in South Africa and it’s 180 degree turnaround from oppression to democracy is one such example the ‘Orange’ revolution in the Ukraine is another. One many occasions, as we will see, the Nibiruans diffused conflict situations by simple decisions. It was however, the children of the Anunnaki who would be born on Earth in later years, who did not possess the same characteristics of tolerance and forgiveness as their parents did. It was ultimately their antagonism and greed which caused the constant conflict between the gods and rubbed off on the slave species who began to emulate their master gods.

Alalu transmitted the proof of the gold find to Nibiru through a well-described technological maneuver.. “Of the Tester its crystal innards he removed, from the Sampler its crystal heart he took out. Into the Speaker be the crystals inserted, all the findings to transmit.” Everyone on Nibiru was astounded by the proof of gold, and started planning the mission to Earth. Ea (Enki) was King Anu’s first born, while Enlil was the second son, but by way of seed and succession, Enlil held higher rank because he was the son of Anu and his half-sister. After some serious deliberation it was decided that Ea and not Enlil would lead the first expedition to Earth because he was the better scientist. They did a lot of research and preparation before they sent the ship off. They planned the course… “A tablet of destinies for the mission he was fashioning.”

There are several references to the fact that they used water as a source of propulsion. Is it possible that they used the hydrogen in water way back then, in the same way we are starting to use it in the 21st century? “If water is the force, where could it be replenished? Where on the chariot will it be stored, how the force will be converted?” They assembled 50 ‘heroes’ to embark on the mission and they prepared the largest chariot for the journey, fitting it out with all the necessary tools. The day of Ea’s departure was very similar to the kind of farewell one sees at the NASA launches; many people gathered to see the launch. Ea was the last to embark but not before King Anu blessed him and bade him farewell. “Enlil with his half-brother locked arms. Be blessed, be successful, to him he said.” This was a time when the brothers were friendly and very little animosity existed between them. This would however change over the years to come as they took control of Earth and began to disagree on various issues. What I find incredibly sobering is the way in which the Anunnaki’s behavior resembled those of humans today. It feels that we have a lot more in common with them in the 21st century than humans would have had at any time in the past. It is mainly because our levels of competence, our scientific discoveries and medical exploits are almost parallel to what they engaged in all those thousands of years ago. We are struggling to save our planet from environmental disaster; we are exploring the other planets in our solar system; and we have almost mastered the science of genetic engineering. We have however moved on beyond kingships and monarchy, only to be replaced by a greed-based capitalist system which does not really promote equality and stability. The greed gene which I have mentioned on numerous occasions is clearly visible in our social structures. I wonder how the Nibiruans handled this issue of greed and social interaction? Are there more lessons we should be learning from them?

The trip to Earth was not as pleasant as one would have wished for, but the descriptions of the planets are equally astounding while they ere on their way venturing through the hazardous asteroid belt. This was obviously a huge hurdle to cross and only one person had done it successfully before. You can sense from the translations that they were certainly not at ease with the prospect of crossing the belt. “Beyond the fifth planet the Hammered Bracelet was lurking.” It took some doing and a concerted group effort to clear a path for the ship to pass through the rocks in the belt. What is even more surprising, is the description of how they used water to disperse the rocks. They even describe how the boulders were turning as they travel through space, a phenomenon which we only discovered in recent times. “Toward the host of turning boulders the chariot was rushing… the word by Ea was given, with the force of a thousand heroes the stream of water was thrust.” This was an extremely inventive technique, pointing to the true genius of Ea the scientist. If he had used explosive weapons to blast his  way through, there would have been a new threat of fragments hitting the space ship. By using the water thrusters in a controlled succession, over and over again, they managed to clear a path in the belt for the ship to pass unhindered. This sounds like science fiction and yet it comes from clay tables thousands of years old. If that does not make you think, nothing will. “And then at last the path was clear, unharmed the chariot could continue.”

All the ‘path-clearing action’ depleted their water supply and they were in trouble. On their approach to the sixth planet which they called Lahmu, and which we call Mars, they saw the planet reflect the Sun’s rays. They realized that there was water on Mars and proceeded to land on it to replenish their supplies. It is notable that they recorded that gravity on Mars was not as strong as it would be on Earth later, another fact which the ancient Sumerians could not have known. At this point in time, Mars still had an atmosphere and they describe the sight from space.

“A sight to behold was Lahmu… many hued it was, snow white was its cap, snow white were its sandals… There is water on Lahmu, Ea was saying… The planet’s net is not great, it’s pull is to handle easy…” They landed with ease on Mars for a short pit stop, on the shores of a lake and while they were taking in water, Ea made all kinds of observations, recording them in his book of knowledge. The water was good for drinking but the air was insufficient for breathing, which means they needed their “Eagle’s helmets” to breath.

Soon they departed heading towards their destination, Earth. The manner in which their flights are described suggests that they must have traveled at very high speeds. It certainly seems that it did not take them much longer than a few days or weeks to cover the long distance from Nibiru, and only a hop and a skip to reach Earth from Mars. We can do a simple calculation to confirm this line of thinking. Most cars today can easily accelerate at 10 km/h every second. If our rocket was to accelerate at 10 km/h every second, it would reach 36,000 km/h at the end of the first hour. In ten hours it would reach 360,000 km/h and after 60 hours of such constant acceleration we would be traveling at 2.16 million km/h. Mars is only 78 million km away from us, which means that at our maximum speed we would take approximately (78/2.16) + 60 hours = 36 + 60 hours = 96 hours to reach Mars, which is exactly 4 days. I excluded the distance covered by the space ship during the time of acceleration, but this should be negated by the time and distance covered by the deceleration on approaching the planet.

There are probably some oversights according to professional scientific circles but even if I missed the mark by 50% it would still only take us 8 days to reach Mars at those speeds. So what is stopping us from doing this? I would hazard a guess to say that only time is the hurdle at present. Very soon these hurdles will be overcome and we will be achieving much greater cosmic velocities.

Ea and his team of 50 explorers approached Earth and the tablets point out to the reader that they had to slow the ‘chariot’ down before descending or it would perish in the friction of the atmosphere. More incredible knowledge of space travel which comes to us from tablets which are thousands of years old. “The chariot must be slowed or in Earth’s thick atmosphere it shall perish…” said Anzu the pilot to Ea. They circled the planet a few times slowing the ship down, before they entered the atmosphere hurtling towards the solid ground. The gravity was playing havoc with their ship and they were still moving too fast for a dry landing. “The Earth’s pulling net too powerful for on dry land to descend…” to avoid any possible damage they splashed down in the sea where the Persian Gulf is today and opened the hatch. Alalu was waiting for them and made radio contact as they arrived. “To Earth be welcomed.” They saw the other space craft from Nibiru at the edge of the water and knew they were in the right place. Their joy was immense as they swam and waded their way to dry land where Alalu was awaiting them. “Alalu toward him came running; his son by marriage he powerfully embraced. Welcome to a different planet! Alalu to Ea said.” This is a mere extract of what has been written in cuneiform of the dramatic events leading up to the first group of settlers on planet Earth some 443,000 years ago.


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