Monday, January 26, 2009

Seth: The Magical Approach - TOC


Magic Show: A Poem by Jane Roberts

Forward by Robert F. Butts

Introduction by Jane Roberts

- A day in which Magic comes to life and Seth describes what “The Magical Approach” to life is

SESSION 1: August 6, 1980

- Assembly-line Time vs. Natural, Creative Time. The Rational Mind vs. the Artistic Mind

SESSION 2: August 11, 1980

- The Rational Approach. Scientific Hardbed Reality. The Intillect and the Magical Approach

SESSION 3: August 13, 1980

- Man and Other Species. Mistakes as Corrective Action. Definition of the Magical Approach

SESSION 4: August 18, 1980

- Science and Science's Picture. Desire and Action

SESSION 5: August 20, 1980

- Styles of Thought. Combining the Magical Approach and the So-Called Rational Approach

SESSION 6: August 25, 1980

- Animals and Reasoning. Things Beyond One's Control.

SESSION 7: August 28, 1980

- The Intellect as a Cultural Artifact. Creating One's Own Experience

SESSION 8: September 3, 1980

- Nature as Man's Caretaker. Natural Magical Reasoning and Trust

SESSION 9: September 8, 1980

- The Body's Reasoning as Logic. Belief Systems

SESSION 10: September 10, 1980

- Education and Culture. The Natural Person

SESSION 11: September 15, 1980

- Multidimensional Spiritual Dramas

SESSION 12: September 22, 1980

- Inserting New Ideas into the world

SESSION 13: September 24, 1980

- Rob Using the Magical Approach. Precognition

SESSION 14: September 29, 1980

- The Self. Relaxation and Effortlessness

SESSION 15: October 1, 1980

- The Natural Person and the Natural Use of Time

SESSION 16: October 6, 1980

- Jane's Positive Results

SESSION 17: October 15, 1980

- Jane's Skill as Ancient as Man is. The Species' Multitudinous Abilities

Appendix A: Three of Jane's Adventures in Prediction. Seth Comments. Jane's Contents of the Mind.

Appendix B: Magical Orientations and the Motions of Probabilities. Jane's Mental Conversation.

Appendix C: Jane and Rob Meet a Skeptical Psychologies and His Magic. Jane's Poem: Magic is public as the air...”

Appendix D: Jane's Challenges with Her Scope of Identity vs. the Scientific Community.

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