Friday, January 23, 2009

Seth: The Magical Approach - Ch.10

The following comes from the book, The Magical Approach, by Jane Roberts. This is part of the Seth Speaks collection.


Session Ten: Education and Culture. The Natural Person.

September 10, 1980, 8:48 PM Wednesday

Now: Good evening.

(“Good evening, Seth.”)

Ruburt's body is repairing itself now at an excellent rate.

It is doing so because Ruburt is giving it different “orders”. He is giving it a different picture of the world, and he is doing that because he has finally changed many of his old beliefs.

In actuality, the body's response to such information is always instantaneous, whether or not the results show at once. Ruburt is beginning to hold a more “realistic” picture of how overall reality works. He is managing to disentangle himself from many disadvantageous cultural beliefs – beliefs that both of you for years, like other people, took for granted.

You might combat those beliefs, struggle against them, but they still carried great weight. You still believed them to an important degree. The entire idea, or fear, that Ruburt had at one time of leading other people down the garden path, was based upon those old beliefs. Those ideas have vanished. You are approaching a state of mind, individually and jointly, that represents far more closely one that is natural, with which the natural person is innately equipped.

Education in your culture is a mixed bag (with ironic and humorous emphasis) – and education comes not from schools alone, but from newspapers and television, magazines and books, from art and from culture's own feedback. Generally speaking, for the purposes of this discussion, there are two kinds of education – one focused toward teaching the child to deal with the natural world, and one focused toward teaching the child how to deal with the cultural world. Obviously, these are usually combined. It is impossible to separate them.

Your educational systems, however, for all of their idealism, have largely ended up (pause) smothering the natural individual bents and leanings of children, and over-emphasized instead the cultural organization. It became more important, then, for the child to conform to the culture rather than to follow its own individual natural leanings. Its own characteristic ways of dealing with nature were frowned upon, so that education does not work with the child's abilities, but against them. Education then often goes against the grain of the natural person.

(9:12) This does not mean that some children do not do very well under your system. (pause) I do not mean to imply, either, that children do not need an education, or that some discipline and direction are not beneficial. Children, however, will concentrate for hours at a time on subject matters and questions that interest them. They are often taken from such pursuits, and their natural habits of concentration suffer as a result.

You are unlearning right now, and discovering that this particular unlearning process is indeed highly educational (with emphasis). You are encountering your own natural knowledge. (pause)

In many instances, of course, you learned too well, both of you. The natural person this is yourself loved to draw and paint. You did that apart from what you had to do in school as a boy. You were lucky in your relationship with Miss Bowman. Your talent brought you into correspondence with her. You can trust your natural inclinations. These sessions, in that regard, came naturally, as the expression of natural abilities and tendencies, finally emerging despite your official views at the time, jointly.

The sessions brought about, however, a new kind of education often seemed in direct conflict with the old, and with the official views of contemporary society. It was of course necessary for you to test them out. Ruburt felt himself more responsible than you, since he spoke the words for me. A private search was one thing – but one publicly followed was something else (intently).

Whether or not the sessions happened as they did, however, once the two of you met, the probability brought about by your relationship meant that in one way or another you would seek out a larger context of consciousness – a context, because of your talents, that would not remain private, but attract others (intently).

(9:23) The natural person is to be found, now, not in the past or in the present, but beneath layers and layers of official beliefs, so you are dealing with an archeology of beliefs to find the person who creates beliefs to begin with. As I have said often, evidence of clairvoyance, telepathy, or whatever, are not eccentric, isolated instances occurring in man's experience,but are representative of natural patters of everyday behavior that become invisible in your world because of the official picture of behavior and reality.

The body's natural healing processes each day rid people of diseases, repair emotional or bodily illnesses – and such instances go largely unrecorded. Ruburt accepted the magic of a poem, but not the magic of health or mobility, because he was convinced that mobility stood in the way of his other abilities.

He was also convinced – as you were – that you both needed protection from the world. Many of the ideas I have given you lately were indeed in Mass Events (as Jane remarked today), but they have become alive now. In the same way, many other concepts and ideas already given will also assume a new significance and meaning, and add to the richness of your experience, because you will be open to them more than you were before – Ruburt in particular – to ideas having to do with reincarnation, life after death, other spheres of activity.

Ruburt instinctively likes your tree painting. It represents a certain state of consciousness – an in-between threshold dimension of awareness, in which the imagination and the senses are almost caught in the act of putting an object together, or of bringing the world into a sensed reality, brand-new, from the realm of the inner mind: a very evocative state of consciousness, and one that as I believe Ruburt mentioned, you could also use in connection with faces.

(“Thanks, Seth,” I said mentally to those kind words. And I've already thought of using the “technique” with faces.)

Ruburt's body is then magically and naturally repairing itself in a function just as creative, of corse, as the inner work that goes on in the production of a book or a poem – a fact he is finally getting through his head. When your proofreading is over, and Ruburt's recovery even more fully demonstratable, we will return to a book session a week, and continue this series the other [weekly] session. We can also expect some improvement in vision, as that area is now being worked on.

I bid you a fond good evening – and remind me some time to add more to the material on education.

(“Thank you, Seth.”)

Good evening.

- pages 86-90, The Magical Approach, by Jane Roberts

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