Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Beginning - Pt.07

Back on Nibiru, they were ready to send the next celestial chariot to Earth filled with supplies and tools. They had also lined up a fresh group of 50 additional pioneers, among whom were female nurses and Ninmah, who was Enki and Enlil’s half-sister. She was a medical expert with the knowledge to resuscitate people from the dead. We will find a number of specific occasions, when in time to come the Anunnaki would revive individuals back to life. Part of their mission was to stop over on Lahmu (Mars) and set up a way station for rocket ships from Earth to deliver regular loads of gold to. It’s fascinating to notice the distinct references the Nibiruans made to Celestial Ships, Rocket Ships and Sky Chambers. The first seemed to be much larger, used for long distances between Nibiru and Earth; while the second was smaller and used on shorter trips, like those to Mars; and the Sky Chamber was seemingly used to travel around the world and to descend from the large Celestial Ship to the surface of a planet.

By the time they reached Mars, and descended to the same spot next to the lake where Ea had landed before, they found Anzu, dead. This is the first time we are really exposed to the scientific or medical knowledge of the Anunnaki. Ninmah performs a variety of procedures to revive Anzu and for the first time we witness a dead person being brought back to life. “From her pouch she took out the Pulser; upon Anzu’s heart pulsing she directed… she took out the Emitter, its crystals’ life giving emissions on his body she directed.” Ninmah repeated this several times after which Anzu opened his eyes. We are also exposed for the first time to the “Food of Life” and the “Water of Life”, which she placed in his mouth and on his lips. Once revived, Anzu related to them the events which led to the death of Alalu and how he placed him in a cave.

I have often wondered if NASA knows something we don’t, and if they are actually keeping something from us with regard to signs of intelligent life on Mars. Because the Anunnaki certainly spent many thousands of years there and must have left behind visible signs of their presence. The Sumerian texts tell us a lot about their activity on the planet. Starting with the death of Alalu, whose body was placed in a cave by Anzu and Ninmah. Will NASA find the skeletal remains of an ancient astronaut in a cave on Mars? Anzu described what he did with Alalu’s body: “In the great rock a cave I found, Alalu’s corpse therein I hid.” They also carved a giant image of Alalu on the face of the great rock with their “beams”. Has NASA already found this image, or will this yet surprise them in the future? Are the mysterious pyramids and ‘Face on Mars’ more clues left behind by the Anunnaki and Igigi on Mars some 400,000 years ago?

The tablets tell us that twenty of the explorers were dropped off on Mars to set up a base under the command of Anzu, who was declared their commander by Ninmah, as requested by her father Anu. She explained that Mars would become a very important stop for the gold from Earth, and that Anzu would be in command of hundreds of men in time. One of the things which Ninmah brought to Earth were the mysterious seeds of a bush which would grow juicy fruits while its elixir would give the Anunnaki strength, cure disease and keep their mood happy. “Their ailments it will chase away, happier their mood it shall make.” Could this plant have had something to do with the Soma plant which the Vedic poems refer to constantly as a life-giving ‘elixir’ many thousands of years ago?

Ninmah revealed to Enlil that she bore them a son called Ninurta and they agreed to bring him to Earth. Because he was the offspring of half-siblings, he would be highest on the list of succession. In the meantime the space ships kept arriving with more ‘heroes’ from Nibiru to help speed up the extraction of gold. Enlil unveiled his master plan to build five cities in the Edin away from Eridu, which would include a command post at Laarsa; it’s twin city called Lagash; on a line extended between the two he would build Shurubak, the ‘Heaven City’ and “On the center line it shall be located, to the fourth city it shall be leading… called Nibru-ki” “A bond Heaven-Earth in it shall Establish.” We can start identifying the Sumerian language in these names e.g., Nibru referred to heaven, while Ki referred to Earth. But Enlil’s plans were even more elaborate. Beyond the 5th city he wanted to build a “chariot place” to allow ships to come directly and freely between Earth and Nibiru. He was not a big fan of the station on Mars from which the main shipping would take place.

At the southern tip of Africa, Enki was building his base to manage the mining operations in what they called the Abzu. He measured and surveyed the whole land and even referred to what must have been the Zambezi River. “…great rivers there rapidly flowed. An abode by the flowing waters Enki for himself established.” He established a place for his house and where the ‘heroes’ would live and “where the bowels of the Earth to enter… Place of deepness he determined, for the heroes into Earth’s bowels to descend.” Could this domain in the Abzu have been the mysterious Great Zimbabwe ruins? The descriptions fit it very well. So far nobody has been able to explain its origins, but the Sumerian tablets certainly give us something to think about.

And so Enlil commanded the ‘upper world’ which included Edin and the space ports, while Enki was in charge of the ‘lower world’ or Abzu, never to be confused with Hell. This was where the precious gold was obtained which brought the Anunnaki to this planet in the first place. On one specific  day, Anu addressed all the settlers who departed from Nibiru. There were 600 ‘people’ on Earth and 300 on Mars, who listened to their King as he praised them. Anu told them that the fate of Nibiru was in their hands and it was at this point that they were given their lofty names.” Those on Earth are shall as Anunnaki be known, Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came” and “Those who on Lahmu are, Igigi shall be named, Those Who Observe and See”. During the rise of Egypt in later years the Igigi would be known as the “watchers” or Neteru, many of whom would produce offspring who became pharaohs. They would also play a crucial role in creating the Aryan civilization by intermarrying ‘earthling’ females. Anu urged them to do what they could and deliver as much gold as was possible. Everything was in place and ready to begin the mining and the shipments. “Let the gold start coming, let Nibiru be saved,” Anu instructed them.

The fascinating thing is that the Anunnaki never spoke about marriage, they referred to it as ‘espousal’ which was the process of acquiring a permanent spouse to procreate with. Enlil and Enki were no different. Now that they were on this new planet and destined to stay there for a while, they also found their own spouses, but not before both of them had sex with their half-sister Ninmah in an attempt to produce a male offspring who would be eligible for leadership through his preferred bloodline. Enki took Ninmah, his beautiful half-sister to the Abzu with him where he tried and tried, but she only bore daughters. Before Enki came to Earth, he espoused a young princess whose name was Damkina, but she remained on Nibiru, and gave birth to a son called Marduk. ‘One in a pure place born’ was the meaning of his name, Enki’s firstborn son, destined for greatness here on Earth. The mother and child only arrived on Earth much later to join Enki. They had an interesting custom to change the names of their female spouses to resemble those of a man. Enki’s spouse became Ninki. Is it possible that this was the custom which we have passed down through the ages and still use in various ways today? Also wanting a son to be of Earth descent, Enlil seduced a young girl who eventually became his spouse, by the name of Sud. She bore him a son called Nannar (Sin), who was the first of the Anunnaki to be conceived and born on Earth. Sud also changed her name to resemble that of her male spouse and became known as Ninlil.

Other than Marduk, who was his firstborn by his half-sister, Enki had five sons from his spouse Ninki and other concubines. They were Nergal, Gibil, Ninagal, Nagishzidda and Dumuzi, the youngest. Enlil’s sons were Ninurta, the oldest, Nazzar and Ishkur. And so the dynasty of the Anunnaki gods on Earth expanded and the complexity of their social structure grew like a cancer. This involved the hard labor which had to be performed in the mines of the Abzu; the transporting of the gold to the space ports of the Edin; and the regular shipments to Mars (Lahmu) where the smaller base of 300 Igigi orchestrated the larger shipments to the distant Nibiru. “From the planet Lahmu in celestial chariots was the precious metal to Nibiru brought.”

In the past few decades a number of leading scientists have proposed how we could deal with the dwindling ozone problem on Earth. Several theories and many ideas have been bounced around. I distinctly remember reading articles which explained how we could disperse certain substances into the upper atmosphere to create an artificial layer, which would create a similar effect to the ozone, protecting us from the harmful rays of the Sun. This is exactly what the Nibiruans did with great success some 440,000 years ago on their own planet. “On Nibiru was the gold to the finest dust fashioned, to protect the atmosphere it was employed.” And from the ancient scriptures we can clearly see that their approach was working. “Slowly was the breach in the heavens healing, slowly was Nibiru saved.”

After Enlil completed his colossal space command at Nibru-ki, he protected it with some sort of deadly weapon. “From there beams were raised, the heart of all the land they could search… its net unwanted approach impossible made.” This sounds like the kind of protection allocated to the most advanced US military base, not what we would expect to read on a clay tablet from 2500 BC. The Anunnaki had a number of very mysterious technological items, which we cannot fully understand, even from reading all their translations. One such item was what they called the “ME” or “The Tablets of Destinies”. These contained all the secret formulas and information which basically dealt with all their knowledge. As if it was some sort of advanced computer system which could calculate and compute any problem and provide a solution. They kept this ME in the new safe-house from where Enlil could control all activity in the Upper World. “With them Enlil comings and goings oversaw.”

But as time went by, the Anunnaki who worked in the Abzu, extracting the gold from the mines, began to complain of the hard work they were being subjected to.  The short days and years on Earth somehow also affected them. So the working Anunnaki were constantly being replaced by a new fresh group from Nibiru while the exhausted group was allowed to return home. But the Igigi on Mars were even more restless. Anzu, their leader “… to Earth from the heavens descended” to deliver the complaints of the Igigi. They wanted a resting place of their own on Earth. Enlil tried to pacify Anzu and showed him the full extent of the global operations. From the mines in the Abzu to the ports in Edin, and even the secret ME which was in the hallowed chamber in Nibru-ki. But Anzu was not impressed and he plotted against Enlil. When the moment presented itself Anzu stole the ME and escaped to the space port where other Igigi awaited him to stage a mutiny and take over the Earth. With those ME tablets of destiny, they were basically invincible. But the oldest son of Enlil, Ninurta offered to capture the rebellious Anzu. A dramatic aerial battle followed between the two, and with the advice and experience of Enki, Ninurta captured the unlucky rebel. The ME was returned and Anzu was executed. Marduk was ordered to return his body to Lahmu and lay him to rest there as he was the commander of that planet. This was also the point at which Marduk was appointed as the new interim commander of Mars and asked to stay there and oversee the operations. But he was to also look after their well-being and to lift their spirits.

We know exactly when all of this occurred because the clay tablets tell us. “In the 25th Shar Anzu was judged and executed.” This means that it was 90,000 years after the first arrival on Earth, which translates to about 353,000 years ago from present time. It became evident that the Anunnaki workers were kept on Earth for too long. They needed to be replaced more frequently. It was the young Ninurta who came up with a smart plan. Once again we see that their logic, actions and response to situations are so very similar to how we deal with problems today. It is truly uncanny. He proposed to build a “Metal City” where they could smelt the gold to more refined levels. This would allow them to send lesser volumes of gold to Nibiru, and allow Anunnaki to travel back while being replaced by new workers. And so it was adopted. In the Edin they built the city where metal would be smelted and refined and they called it Bad-Tibira the “Metal City”, making Ninurta its first commander. “The flow of gold to Nibiru was thereby eased and quickened.” And so the arrival of fresh Anunnaki from Nibiru continued while the shipments of pure gold kept going out, helping to restore their atmosphere.


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