Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Beginning - Pt.16

Anu wanted to see his grandson Marduk, so the party departed for the lands beyond the ocean. First they built a palace for Anu in the new golden land which was South America. All the buildings were covered in gold, even the statues and flowers in the garden were made of gold, displaying incredibly intricate workmanship like never seen before. This sounds identical to the golden city described by Cortes when he first discovered the immense wealth in the Americas and stumbled upon a golden city of exactly such description. Anu saw the abundance of gold in this new land and how it was attained from the rivers near the lake in the mountains. He was also shown how a new metal was created on Earth by combining copper with tin. The result was a strong new metal which they called Anak and we call bronze. Anu was obviously pleased with the progress and realized that the time of the Anunnaki on Earth was coming to a close. “There is gold here enough for many Shars to come…” he said and called the lake Anak. If we scratch deeply enough we are likely to find references to such a name in the ancient Inca traditions, or possibly Peruvian and Bolivian cultures. What is revealed to us next is that Marduk came from the north to see Anu, which makes it pretty obvious that he must have been involved in the rise of the early Mexican civilizations, which were slightly different from the rest and yet shared many common signs of Anunnaki interventions, especially the ‘Flying Serpent’ god. And if Enki was the flying serpent god, it would explain why he frequented this part of the world – to visit his son Marduk. The architectural styles and social building blocks are too similar to all the others around the world, not to have been driven by the planned ‘civilization drive’ of the Anunnaki at the time. Anu felt a great sense of pity for his grandson Marduk, for the way in which his fate had separated him from the other sons of the Anunnaki and caused him to become an outcast. And so he pardoned and blessed Marduk, which was probably all the license the young rebel needed to justify is actions of defiance in time to come.

Anu was to depart and we are reintroduced to the new landing place they had created on the Nazca plain. Anu gave his final instruction on how to deal with earthlings. “From the golden place, high in the mountain, all who had gathered to the plain below they went… There stretching to the horizon, Ninurta a new place for the chariots had prepared… Give mankind knowledge, up to a measure secrets of heaven and earth them teach.” We have seen that the concept of time had a totally different meaning to the Anunnaki and that a few Shar, or few thousand years was not an unusual time frame to deal with.  It is however a notion way outside of our human frame of reference. We can hardly comprehend circumstances which prevailed 200 years ago, so how can we possibly try to wrap our simple minds around epochs lasting 3600 years?  But those ware the realities throughout the ancient times on Earth which led us to the point where we are today. This last interaction between Anu and the leading Anunnaki on Earth was almost within our grasp of comprehension because it must have taken place some 5000 BC, around the time we see the real evidence of a true civilization with the knowledge of writing emerging on Earth. This fits in well with the final instructions given by Anu to his commanders on Earth. “Laws of justice and righteousness teach them, then depart and leave.” Those are crucial words to ponder, as we ask ourselves, ‘where are the Anunnaki today’? The answers may lie in that single statement. The Anunnaki finished their golden explorations and departed, leaving humanity to their own device. Or did they? There would still come a period of about 7000 years, bringing us to our present time, which was filled with confusion and continued conflict, causing the virtual annihilation of the planet and taking humanity through the very murky biblical times. This was the time when the Anunnaki began to count their stay on Earth in orbits of Earth-years and not orbits of Nibiru or Shars, as they had been doing up to that point. “In the Age of the Bull, to Enlil dedicated, was the count of Earth years begun.” (Bull 4380BC – 2220BC)

Nevertheless, those words of Anu “Give mankind knowledge, up to a measure secrets of heaven and earth them teach…” were very important in the much greater scheme of things, reaching right into the 21st century. The thousands of years which followed became more widely documented and recorded in various forms and in different cultures where humans were being uplifted and nurtured by the Anunnaki gods. Because the period which followed has become known as the time when sudden ancient civilization emerged. We now know why and how it emerged, under the watchful eye and guidance of the Anunnaki. But their internal family problems only escalated from this point in time, leaving humans as vulnerable bystanders in the great struggle for power among the Anunnaki. Enlil would do his best to control his extended family on Earth, constantly having to deal with the human problem as a side issue. Very soon the humans began to emulate their gods, initiating conflicts and aggression against each other. But those human conflicts were often driven by the gods of biblical times, as becomes very clear from the many scriptures of the Old Testament. The god of vengeance would become the omnipotent force which began to rule over humanity with an iron fist. However, what we need to consider is, was there only one ‘god’ in the Old Testament who ruled over humans, or were there more than one, leading to confusion among humans and even greater conflict between the Anunnaki gods to take control of the world and its slave species with it? 

After Anu’s final departure Marduk began to make a move to assert his rightful control over the world, which was promised to him by Enki at the very beginning of time on Earth. But as we have seen, through an unforeseen set of circumstances the young Marduk was always somehow left out of the distribution of power and responsibility. This is why he finally snapped and decided to take what was ‘rightfully’ his. We should therefore not be surprised to see the levels of uncertainty by Enlil and Enki about how to deal with the problem they both realized that Marduk had a really legitimate case to make; his forceful methods however, were not so convincing.

The period which followed was the miracle of civilization. This was the time when so-called primitive man stepped out of the caves and started to display very high levels of intelligence, when the knowledge and understanding of modern societies came to him virtually overnight. The reason for that is simple and it had nothing to do with some miraculous fast-track evolution or anything as dramatic as that. It was simply that the Anunnaki had strict instructions from their leader Anu, to do exactly that; train the humans and leave. And so it began. Humankind everywhere was taught the basic skills of survival by their Anunnaki gods. Remember that there were many gods who looked after the villages, towns and cities. Those were the members of the extended Anunnaki family who were assigned to look over humans and keep them under control. These gods were like field soldiers in many cases, looking after a distant outpost. When the general or commander came to town, there would normally be a celebration in the form of an offering and worshiping in the temple. Every settlement had a temple specifically designed for such purpose. We have already explored the lavish temples which were erected for the patron god of each city, with its fresh water and shady garden, a place to rest and a place where people could make their offerings. There was also a strict menu of what each god preferred to eat. Those menus would have to be prepared, sometimes several times a day, as different gods had different taste preferences. The role of the high priest was to ensure that the gods were looked after and in return the priest would be given instructions to convey to his people. A very simple setup if you think of it. But somehow it was all twisted out of context over the past few thousand years, spawning human-made religions which became trapped between the needs of the gods and their control of the people.

I must say that while I was reading all this information staring at me from the pages of various books, I constantly had to stop and remind myself that I was not reading a great novel, but I was actually reading the actual words written by ancient Sumerian scribes carved into clay some 4000-5000 years ago. I would suggest you do the same. It is very important to keep reminding oneself of this reality, because the content is so fantastic that it begins to sound like a science fiction screenplay conjured up by some Hollywood writer to attract mass appeal. Ask yourself once more, what possible motive would a scribe who was appointed by a king all those years ago have, to capture such content so painstakingly in clay?

And so the civilization of the humans began. “Where once cities of the Anunnaki alone had stood, cities for both them and earthlings now arose.” The humans were taught everything from making bricks, building, architecture, schooling, reading, writing, calculating, laws of justice, planting, harvesting, farming, finding water, using the wheel, riding of chariots, and basically everything we know today, which we have inherited from those early civilizations. There were a few well known landmarks like the city of Lagash, where Ninurta kept his “Black Skybird” and the city of Sippar from where Utu promulgated the laws of justice in a place called “Ebabbar – Shining House.”

The time had come, to bestow kingship of scepter and crown on humankind and so it was that the first human king was appointed in the city of Kishi or Kish. He was called ‘Mighty Man’ by Ninurta. Kish became known as ‘Sceptre City’. This title would be moved around from city to city every few hundred years. During the rebuilding of the old cities, “where because of silt and mud the olden plans could not be followed, new sites were chosen.” The concerted effort to uplift the humans paid off very quickly and the times on Earth were prosperous. There was plenty of food for everyone for the first time in a long time, industry blossomed and the manufacturing of wheeled wagons was booming.  Ninurta requested some of the ME from Enki for his tasks. Once more we read about the distinction between those who were brought up in Edin and those ‘black-headed people’ who arrived from the Abzu. But the teaching was extended to everyone. It would be these ‘black-headed people’ who would rise to become the great and powerful kings of Nubia, in the Sudan, who took over Egypt in later years. “In Kishi were the black-headed people, with numbers to calculate taught… Heavenly Nisaba writing them taught… Heavenly Ninkashi beer making them showed.” Ninurta was in charge of this land of Edin, they chanted praises to him and his ‘Black Bird’ and told tales of “how in faraway lands the bison he subdued, how the white metal to mix with copper he found.” The white metal was tin, at lake Titicaca.

Inanna also wanted to obtain some ME from Enki, so she orchestrated a devious plan of seduction during which we learn more about her powers as the goddess of love and sex. She caught Enki at home alone, inebriated him with wine and seduced him with her semi-naked posing. It reads like a script from a soft-porn movie. “With jewelry was Inanna bedecked, by her thin dress her body she revealed… When she bent down, her vulva by Enki was thoroughly admired… from the wine cups sweet wine they drank, for beer drinking a competition they had.” Sounds pretty similar to the kind of behavior humans have been engaging in for thousands of years and we can clearly see our genetic link to the Anunnaki. During their drinking games Inanna wanted to see some of the ME. Enki had no reason to suspect anything so he allowed her to hold some of them as part of their adult entertainment. He explained to her that ‘ninety four MEs that for civilized kingdoms are needed.” Inevitably Enki fell asleep and she escaped with her stolen ME to start her own empire in the land she had been given. Enki’s assistant Ismud chased her down, but she had hidden them by then, claiming that Enki placed them in her hand. It transpired that Enki admitted begrudgingly and he let the matter be.

When Enlil announced that the kingship would be moved from Kishi to Inanna’s abode of Unug-ki, Marduk was enraged. Once more he was denied of being the commander of the planet that was promised to him. “Enough has my humiliation been… Marduk fate in his own hands grasped.” He decided to build a sacred city of his own in the place which was at first reserved for Anu’s visit. He called the Igigi and his followers from the dispersed lands and planned to build a “sacred city” and “a place for sky ships”. The city in question was Babylon.


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