"A consciousness-raising and empathetic portrait of children and their families living with autism, celebrating the spark of humanity in each of us. This film will change the way you look at autism."
Winner of 2 Emmy Awards and 6 Film Festival Awards
The Miracle Project is an innovative and exciting musical theater program that brings together typically developing children and children with special needs in an atmosphere of creativity, acceptance and joy. The Miracle Project was created by Elaine Hall, founder of Kids On Stage, Inc., as a theater and video arts program which emphasizes creativity, self expression and social consciousness. Elaine is the mother of a child diagnosed with autism, the founder of Special Kids Productions, which uses creativity and joy to bring out the best in all children, and has written and directed over thirty children's plays.
Elaine Hall

Elaine is an Educator, Writer, Consultant, Performer, and Professional Acting Coach for television and film who has written and directed over 30 children's plays. Most recently, she was the childrens Acting Coach on Akeelah and the Bee. Her unique, positive relationship-building approach to children's arts education has been featured in many documentaries and publications. She has served as a drama coach for Wildwood School, UCLA Bruin Kids, Pressman Academy, Walt Disney Studios, Universal Studios, ABC Television, and Nickelodeon.
Elaine is the founder of Kids On Stage, Inc. and is the mother of Neal, a very special child whom she adopted from a Russian orphanage, diagnosed autistic. When traditional therapies did not help Neal, Elaine sought creative people (actors, writers, musicians), to work with her son. She developed these methods to create The Miracle Project. Elaine now coaches both typical and "special" children with relationship, self-esteem and self-confidence issues, as well as coaching children and young adults seeking a professional career in the entertainment industry. Elaine is currently writing and producing a children's CD celebrating diversity, positive thinking and kindness to others.
I am mainstreamed in all typically developing classes. My favorite subject is Lunchtime and Math. In my spare time I enjoy eating at restaurants with Zach, playing computer games, taking walks, hiking and being with my Mom. Autism makes it hard for me to express how I am feeling and what I want. My hope is that I will learn to talk someday. I would like to help the world understand people with disabilities better. I wish that people would be more understanding of people with disabilities.

Adam stunned his family by teaching himmself to play blues harmonica when he was two. He has sung opera and at seven, Adam fell in love with the cello and has not looked back. He has performed at Disney Hall's Redcat theater with jazz great Patrice Rushen and jammed at The House of Blues with his favorite "punk cello" band, Rasputina. Adam loves trains, paper airplanes, hairstyling, D.J. scratching, long division, science fairs, and roofs. He is nine and in third grade. He loves Ms. Vee, Coach E., and all the helpers and children in The Miracle Project.
I like playing video games, playing with toys, and playing outside. My knowledge of the dinosaur and reptile world is vast. My expereince in The Miracel Project has been the greatest experience ever. They put on great plays and I have a lot of fun. I want to thank my family, friends and all my fans.

My favorite subject at school is reading, math, science and lunch. How are you doing? I had a wonderful time in the Miracle Project. I sang "Miracles," I like to dance. I like to sing. I like to go to the coffee store, the beach and I like to go to Ronnie's to drink Sprite, eat a jack and cheddar omelet, black beans, side of chips, toast and then I'm full. When I am a grown-up, in the future, I will be a teenager, I would become a woman and I would be like Britney Spears.
As a budding actor, writer and musician, Wyatt's inspiration comes from imaginative storytelling, such as Harry Potter and Lemony Snicket. He dreams of becoming a famous author, and helping the earth. Wyatt loves to organic garden, hike tall mountains, ski in blizzards, dive under crashing surf and adventure travel. He has a passion for orchids, for in them, he sees the love and the light. Wyatt extends many thanks to all his friends that help to make The Miracle Project possible with their generosity.
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