Wednesday, February 18, 2009

ZetaTalk - Ch.5

Intelligent Insects
In the case of planets where insects emerge as predominant, some insect forms begin to eat other insects, and thus can grow larger. Humans, used to insect forms that are tiny, are seeing what occurs when all insect forms are consumed by others. On Earth, insects are consumed not only by other insects but also are the favorite food of birds, reptiles, and rodents. For any insect to evolve as a large specimen on Earth would require a protected environment where none of the other Earth creatures could discover it. This is simply not the case on your Earth, but is the case on those rare worlds where insects evolve as the predominant, and eventually the intelligent, species.

- page 31, ZetaTalk, by Nancy Lieder

Other Worlds
Life on other worlds is, of course, adapted to the chemical and mineral mix indigenous on the planet. Some are silicon based, where Homo sapiens, for instance, is carbon based. The primary difference is in adaptation to radiation, the intensity of a given sun or other heat source. Your sun is of moderate intensity, but there are some worlds that you could not visit in your physical form. You would fry or quickly sicken. There are other worlds that you could not visit in physical form because of their chemical and mineral mixes. You would become poisoned.

These are some of the reasons why all intelligent life-forms have not been presented to our contactees, during any adaptation orientation such as the one our emissary, Nancy, underwent. Consequently, the Zetas have not seen all that much of the universe either. The evolution of a life-form and the home planet determines to some degree where the life-form can travel and work. Beyond the obvious differences in the base chemistry of the DNA, or the ability to tolerate high radiation from a hot sun, or the need to breathe air or water, there are issues of gravity tolerance. We, the Zetas who have chosen work on the Earth's Transformation, cannot return to our home planets because the gravity would crush us. We have adapted to our new environments. Likewise it is known to your scientists that long space voyages without the semblance of Earth's gravitational field would doom your astronauts to a lifetime in space.

- pages 31-32, ZetaTalk, by Nancy Lieder

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