Wednesday, February 18, 2009

ZetaTalk - Ch.4

The Soul
What you call a soul is composed of substances, just as your physical body is. These substances are just as complex as the molecules and cell structure your physical body is composed of - in their own way. However, these substances cannot be destroyed by such things as atomic explosions or even entry into a black hole. The soul is durable and indestructible. Souls are born, and evolve and grow, just as in your physical world you find plants and animals springing up from seed, from a single cell. This does not happen haphazardly, and only happens on worlds in third density. When an entity is incarnate, what you call the soul suffuses with the physical body, spreading throughout all the parts of the physical body.

The existence of the soul, that part of a human remaining after the physical body expires, has been measured as a tiny adjustment in the weight of the dead body, happening at the moment of death in most cases. We say in most cases, as the soul may depart earlier, seeing the trend. For instance, where individuals go out-of-body during trauma, the soul has already left. Nevertheless, there is some small scientific aspect to support the general human perception that they have a soul. In fact, so prevalent is this feeling or belief in humans, that one stating the opposite comes in for some heat. Religions invariably espouse the soul and an afterlife as a reality.

- pages 21-22, ZetaTalk, by Nancy Lieder

An incarnation is not a superficial matter. As the soul, during incarnation, is diffused throughout the body, it aligns itself to embrace the world. The soul communicates with its extensions, the human arms and legs, as this is not a natrual position for the soul. Incarnations in life forms that do not have arms and legs would, understandable, have different chakras. The chakras are related to the functions of the incarnated spirit, not to the human form. The spirit centers itself, and thus the heart chakra, and concerns itself with communicating to the mind, and thus the third-eye, but the other organs of the human body are incidental to the spirit, which is not concerned with digestion or locomotion or such functions. Spirits that are more entranced with physical activities, such as sex or drug use, may be more diffuse within the physical body, however.

A central chakra, both in the human body and in chakra action, is the heart chakra. There are several reasons for this. First, the heart is centralized in the human body in order to serve the body well in its task as circulation central. Second, the heart responds to emotions, invariably, beating fast during fright or joy, being regular or irregular in pace with the life situation. Third, the spiritual centering of the soul within the physical body of a human must for similar reasons be centered. As the soul fills the being of whatever it incarnates in, it is distended into the human limbs and digits. To work as a unit, the soul indeed utilizes parts of itself to maintain unity and cohesive action. The heart chakra, while not circulating fluids, has a similar importance and function.

- page 22, ZetaTalk, by Nancy Lieder

Past Lives
Tapping past lives is much in vogue, especially in California. Since the proposition cannot be disproved, the claimants wax poetic. All past lives are invariably romantic or impressive - they lived in interesting times, in elegant surroundings, and were always hale and hearty, intelligent, and attractive. Although the vast number of past lives on Earth were marked by struggle for health - with broken teeth, missing or maimed limbs, and the health problems that plague mankind today present in the extreme - the past lives trotted forth all seem to involve good and even vibrant health.

Where all but perhaps 5 percent of the world's populace is of average or dull intelligence, the past lives claimed invariably involve stations in life which would require a relatively high IQ. And where most of mankind's history has gone down ignominiously and unrecorded, past lives published seem to all be placed smack in the center of either momentous historical times or well-recorded historical times. What is going on here? Are these past lives remembered simply fiction or are the memories selective?

Humans delving into their past lives face many hurtles. The human form has no memory of past lives, and the spirit has difficulty speaking to the mind about matters it has no concept of. Past lives are a leap into history recorded nowhere on Earth - living conditions, cultures and traditions, and physical appearance all beyond the imagination of humans alive today. A past life spent as a caveman, where the diet consisted of bugs and worms and even on desperate occasions the feces of herbivores would not be remembered. Thus, past lives remembered do tend to fit into written history. Add to this selective memory the human tendency to deny unpleasantness. A past life where the human was ugly and behaved atrociously would likely not be given center stage, and past lives that passed the minimum acceptance criteria are pruned and amended by humans remembering them just as they have a selective memory about their current incarnation.

- page 22-23, ZetaTalk, by Nancy Lieder

Rule of Forgetfulness
Lessons to be learned during the current incarnation, or personal missions as they are sometimes called, are less effectively addressed when consciously dealt with. In fact, being consciously aware of the lesson to be learned can sometimes prevent the lesson from being addressed during the incarnation at all. How can this be? if one is conscious of a posture, that the posture must be assumed, the posture may be assumed, but this may be an act. If one is not conscious of a posture, and the situation arises where the posture may be assumed, then if the posture is assumed this is not an act but a genuine choice. To know the desired outcome beforehand ruins the process, as the goal of the incarnation is not to have certain postures taken, but to have certain choices made.

Forgetfulness between lives occurs naturally. When an entity incarnates into a human body, the mind naturally has no knowledge of past lives. The mind develops memories from what it experiences, observes through its senses, and concludes due to the mental processes resulting from all this. Thus forgetfulness is natural, and breakthroughs where the spirit has an opportunity to relay bits and pieces of a past life are rare. The Rule of Forgetfulness is not an imposed rule, it is a rule of nature. However, given that incarnations work this way, and incarnations have proven to be the fastest way that young spirits grow and mature, no one is rushing forward to bring a newly incarnated body up to date on what has happened before. In fact, such a process can delay maturity or skew the eventual decision the entity makes on its first lesson - the orientation lesson. Imagine instances in life given no knowledge of past decisions or full knowledge of past decisions.

A mother, cuddling her newborn infant, seeing its helplessness and dependence on her, imagines the feelings of abandonment and desperation such an infant would feel if it were not held and loved and rescued when distressed. The mother, being basically a caring human, proceeds to care for the infant with great affection and pride in herself for her competence. If in past lives the entity incarnating had deserted a newborn, to ease the pressure on herself, and all the memories of this past incident were remembered, then the current situation would be colored with guilt and shame and in particular, the strong memory of what caused the abandonment in the first place. Forgetfulness allows the entity to move through circumstances that were similar to past circumstances, trying them out with a different approach and consequently experiencing a different outcome.

- pages 23-24, ZetaTalk, by Nancy Lieder

Near Death Experience
Near-death experiences are quite common, and are similar to out-of-body experiences, but with a twist. Where the entity has left the physical body, seeing the trend, it moves forward on its journey to return to the birthing envoys in preparation for the next incarnation. This process is complicated, and has many steps. The first step is to let go of the former incarnation. As every dying person has many issues left undone, many statements left unsaid, and many concerns not yet completed to the entity's satisfaction, their focus is torn between the life they are leaving and the future. The birthing envoys meet this head on, by presenting the newly discarnate entity with those involved in the leftover concerns. Thus, in a near-death experience, an entity may meet relatives and friends, both loved and hated, or coworkers involved in incomplete projects. When the pending death does not occur, the person remembers meeting familiar people, but not much else as the death was aborted. Had the death continued, settling these leftover issues would have proceeded.

- pages 24-25, ZetaTalk, by Nancy Lieder

All humans have visits from those they knew in the past, now dead. These spirits, who are primarily discarnate but can come from their next incarnation in an out-of-body experience, are trying to settle things they feel were left outstanding. These matters can be as simple as an apology they wished to express to you, or a bit of information they felt you needed, intended to be told to you when you next met. Death interrupts the plans. Ghosts are such discarnate entities. Discarnate entities are in light form. The reason some such entities appear brighter in light form than others is related to their spiritual maturity. The older and wiser, the brighter. They gain in spiritual bulk, one might say.

When an entity is discarnate, it can wander about just as the soul can in out-of-body experiences. Likewise, as in out-of-body experiences, it is drawn to places it is either curious about or tied to because of emotional trauma. The entity that feels an issue is unresolved will hang about, desiring to influence proceedings. This is much displayed in your media in ghost stories of one kind or another. Just as with visits from entities in fourth density or higher densities, these discarnate entities cannot affect humans unless the human gives The Call. Their substance cannot affect the physical world, and they cannot possess another's body unless The Call has been given and permission granted. In this regard, a walk-in or a possession is a reality, and can happen.

- page 25, ZetaTalk, by Nancy Lieder

In possession, a walk-in by a very high-level entity in the service-to-self orientation has occurred, such that this is dramatically noticed by the other humans in the vicinity. They could not fail to take notice, as however aggressive and non-compliant the human was prior to the possession, the stance the possessed human now takes in a quantum leap higher. The human now challenges everyone, and any social exchange has become a war. Where the human formerly complied with some social norms, the possessed human now complies with none. They seem, thus, completely uncivilized and unsociable. There thus ensues a great flurry of activity where various authority figures try to reason with the possessed human, thinking they are still speaking to the one they knew. In truth, the human is in part the one they knew, but at the core is someone very different, the possessing entity from another world. When reason fails, forms of magic or witchcraft are tried, and we are here including Catholic exorcism. This is where the faith or conviction of those in authority, their orientation to give service-to-others, comes into play.

Where this is successful in driving out the possessing entity and securing a return of the original incarnating entity it is because of two things. One, the flood of concern and caring poured upon the strongly oriented service-to-self entity disturbs
its concentration, tugging at its focus on self, and it departs in disgust. Two, the formerly incarnating entity hears the pleas of the humans it formerly knew, feels the love pouring toward it, and changes its mind about having left in the first place. The birthing envoys confer with all concerned and the possessing entity vacates in an exchange.

- page 26, ZetaTalk, by Nancy Lieder

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