Wednesday, February 18, 2009

ZetaTalk - Ch.10

Zeta Reticuli
Our home planet is in the star system that you term Zeta Reticuli. Since the Betty and Barney Hill episode, when we were closely and correctly associated with the Zeta Reticuli star system, the citizens of the United States and the media and ufologists have called us Zetas. To you, therefore, we are the Zetas. We, of course, have our own names for things. Zeta Reticuli is indeed a binary star system, or at least that part of it you, on Earth, are aware of. In fact, there is much more to the star system than you are aware of. The binary stars circle each other on an extreme end of Zeta Reticuli, less than one third into the star system itself. The other two thirds are composed of stars not visible to you.

What we are telling you is that the planet we originate from is not known to you, as it is part of the 2/3 mass of the star system not known to you. Do you think our eyes got so large because our sun was bright? It has been rumored that our planet is dying, and that this is the reason we are seeking genetic rebirth on your planet, Earth. In fact, our planet is long dead, and we Zetas have been living by artificial means for eons. We learned to live in cavities within planets, and by artificial light.

- Pages 59-60, ZetaTalk, by Nancy Lieder

Early Zeta
Where Early Man was a hybrid of various ape or monkey forms and existing hominoid forms, Early Zeta was not a hybrid at all, but a transplant. The worlds we were placed upon had not sustained a life-form complex enough to be considered a base for intelligence. The gap was too great. Early Zeta therefore was placed, full grown and conscious, on Zeta worlds. Like the transplants who are coexisting with humans now on Earth, Early Zeta was aware of the purpose of the transfer. Thus transplanted, Early Zeta multiplied to the extent our worlds could support a population, much as humans have upon the Earth.

Early Zeta differed from our present form primarily in brain size and mental capacities. Early Zeta was also stockier, shorter, had large flat feet and in appearance was something of a low brow, with the head jutting out the back rather than rounding. Our large eyes were an adaptation to our worlds, dim by your standards, so Early Zeta was a bit blind on his new home, not a problem as the only danger Early Zeta faced was from others of his kind. Our worlds do not contain carnivorous, nor even herbivorous animals - just plants and bugs.

- page 60, ZetaTalk, by Nancy Lieder

The Zetas
Our race is not dying. We, the Zetas, have been incarnating and reproducing for almost 8.5 times the length of time that intelligent humans have been doing so, and there is no end in sight. The Zetas are accused of having a group mind, seemingly operating like insects, by rote, and without individuality. Where did these assumptions come from? First, we reproduce by cloning, so our appearance can be remarkably similar. Second, our mode of communicating is telepathic, over the heads of humans who for the most part sense no conversation going on at all. Third, there is a lack of argument and indecision that humans see in us when we are at work attending to our contactees, as we have all agreed ahead of time on how to handle issues that might arise. Humans who see us having a group mind are drawing these conclusion on scanty data.

The Zetas are numerous in form. The forms result from the various planets we have spread to during the life of our form. Each planet plays upon the genetic structure, encouraging certain genetics to emerge and demonstrate their superiority in survival and longevity. Thus, the life-form gradually adapts to the environment it finds itself in. Counts would differ, but for the sake of this discourse, we will say that the number of variations that would be visibly noticeable to humans is 127.

- page 61, ZetaTalk, by Nancy Lieder

We no longer eat, having genetically engineered ourselves in such a way that the digestive tract went out with the bath water. We nourish ourselves through our skin, through a chemical bath we prepare in the laboratory and completely emerge ourselves in. Unlike some of the bad press that has been thrown our way, we do not require enzymes from living creatures in order to live. Does anyone think that entities as advanced as we could require that in order to live? We can live in space, on a dead planet, or anywhere. The chemicals needed for life are easily manufactured by an advanced species such as ourselves. Where we have mouths, our digestive tract is not complete. We avoid putting anything in our mouths, as like your appendix, anything put in can only cause problems.

- page 61, ZetaTalk, by Nancy Lieder

We are clearly more intelligent than the humans we are responding to, but beyond this IQ difference we are also brooking no nonsense in our replies, and thus the interpretation by some humans that our responses are unemotional. Sentimentality has its place in developing bonds, but this is not our primary intent during these discourses. Our bonding activities are engaged in one-to-one with our human contactees, who have given The Call to us due to the nature of their call being oriented toward service-to-others. It is here that we bond and deal with emotions on our part or on the part of the contactee. Our primary purpose with ZetaTalk is to establish truth on many matters often deliberately confused by those in what we term the establishment in human society. We do this so that humans might arrive at their own conclusions, armed with the facts and insights they are not otherwise allowed to arrive at due to lack of information or distorted or untruthful information from the establishment. We are not ruthless, unless those who do not wish the facts lined up impeccable are complaining about the lack of wiggle room they are given.

- page 62, ZetaTalk, by Nancy Lieder

Aliens, who communicate telepathically, have no need for names that can be communicated in written symbols. This is because a telepathic communication is rich, and conveys the group the alien is associated with, intent, age and physical makeup, and any other nuance the other party in the conversation may be interested in. A name is simply unnecessary in service-to-others alien groups. Human society finds names necessary because of the lack of telepathy. Thus aliens are assigned names based on their constellation of origin or their appearance - Zeta, Pleiadean, Nordic, or Dino.

- page 62, ZetaTalk, by Nancy Lieder

The young Zetas find themselves in a smorgasbord of stimulation, surrounded by toys and games that allow their curious minds to fully explore physics, chemistry, biology, and the social studies. Unlike human schools for their youngsters, where physics and chemistry experimentation is limited to lab time or simplistic at-home experiments, the Zeta youngster is not limited to time slots or scope, nor do we require the youngsters to be a certain age or grade before they have an opportunity. Don't they blow themselves up? Precautions are taken in the way these lessons are structured, so that the necessary knowledge is in place before next steps can be taken. The lessons have checkpoints, so, for example, the youngster cannot just reach for the vial of acid and taste.

Social interaction is not structured, as it is to some degree in human society where human youngsters are selected by the teacher to assume roles. Johnny gets to organize the field trip because the teacher likes his engaging smile. Zeta youngsters are counseled when they are having difficulty, and given assistance, when in need, to a degree that would astonish humans, but the roles they assume in play are self-chosen, and when they succeed at these roles it is based on honest interaction between the youngsters. In Zeta society, the equivalent of the dullard son of the boss assuming command of the company or the inept daughter of the PTA head getting the lead in the play does not exist. We do not use platitudes or hypocrisy to develop our youngsters, but deal with the truth, teaching our youngsters, by example, to do this also from the earliest age.

- page 62-63, ZetaTalk, by Nancy Lieder

In human society, much history is recorded in written form, although with the advent of the electronic age, much is also recorded on video or audio tape. Do alien life-forms, such as ourselves, have an equivalent? We do indeed, but we have no need to rely on a written word as humans do. We are telepathic, so often the performing artist is soundless but nevertheless relays the composition perfectly. As for recording the great thoughts of the past, or works of art, the written word is considered cumbersome and inadequate. We use holographic forms, where all but telepathic thought is transmitted. In these cases, the intent of the author or artist is relayed through other means, such as symbolic motion or recreating the situation described, much as humans enjoy when going to the movie theater.

We, the Zetas, have the same range of activities that humans do. Why would we not? It's true we don't go out to eat as much, and with our muted sexuality we don't look forward to getting laid. But where you look forward to occasionally getting into a hot tub, our refreshment baths are a big deal. The spas are lush with plants, and music that vibrates through the water and walls is played. It's a total body experience.

We have more games than you, a thousandfold more, and a hundred times more intricate. Our games are played with holographs, which are generated by computer under control of our minds. The best are like chess, where many players engage in strategies, or several teams play against each other. What is the goal of these games? The same as your games. Were the game involves mental concentration, the goal is to improve upon and practice strategic planning. Where the game involves cooperation among players, the goal is to improve social skills and cooperation. Where the game involves close timeing and precision from the team, the goal is to gain skill at delegation and rapid handoffs. Watch children intent at play. Are they not preparing for life?

- page 63, ZetaTalk, by Nancy Lieder

Out and about in the universe, higher entities find themselves in situations that are totally unfamiliar and unexpected. There are no procedures or even general policies that can apply. What occurs where a differences of opinion arises? Beyond social interactions in strange social settings, strange physical settings are also encountered. Triads give us a means of quickly making decisions during our travels. The tie is broken. Either all agree or two of the three agree or two fo the three disagree with the third. The issue is instantly settled.

- page 64, ZetaTalk, by Nancy Lieder

Our religion is more an understanding of the universe. We are emotionally connected to the universe. We are within the One. we have kinship with one another as parts of the One. We have reverence for the universe and its workings, as a thing of beauty, which we wish to understand. Our religion is not like the major religions of the Earth, which deify entities human in appearance. These religions, where the message given to humans was to draw them to the light, have been corrupted over time by the forces of darkness. These religions now preach against knowledge, against self-initiative, against free thought. They restrain with rules which assist only those who wish to rule. Where human religions, however well-founded, have invariable been twisted by the service-to-self crowd until they have lost all semblance of the original intent, our faith is not so affected. The pure adage to love thy neighbor as thyself stands as the rule by which we guide ourselves, and there are no thou slalt not's included.

- page 64, ZetaTalk, by Nancy Lieder

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